On the other hand these eggs have the ability to unlock any number of cool bonuses. Though they can range from additional , kind of weird and unordinary levels, they are often filled with a ton of pigs or sometimes huge battlefield puzzles that the player has to solve. Once the criteria for the game to know you’ve beaten it has been reached you will then be awarded with a star, marking the level as completed.
On the mobile version, as well as the PC one, the Golden Eggs are either sometimes obvious to find, or sometimes hidden within objects like random items which when hit by a bird uncover the egg. On some occasions sitting all the way through the credits also grants golden eggs. Though it may take time to find all eggs of this sort, the levels on the other hand are quite fun and different from the ordinary battlefield, which is exactly what fanatical fans are looking for. Their number estimates to either 20 or 24, depending on game version and updates, as well as stand alone expansions like the Angry Birds Rio or the Angry Birds Seasons series.
In the walkthrough below it is described where the Golden Eggs can be found and how. Enjoy.
Golden Eggs Locations
Golden Egg #1
Pause any level and press the “?” (help) button in the bottom left hand corner. The Golden Egg will be on the White Bird instruction screen. Note, you have to have unlocked the White Bird before the White Bird instruction screen will appear.
Golden Egg #2
Mighty Hoax Level 5-19 (rocket ship)
The Golden Egg is located on the right side off the screen directly above the rocket ship. If you zoom out and throw a Yellow Bird in that direction you’ll see it when the screen moves up a little. You can reach it with either a Yellow Bird or with the White Bird. If you opt to use the White Bird drop a bomb to the right of the wood sticking up on the first tower and the bird will take off and hit the Golden Egg (probably easier to use the yellow bird).
Golden Egg #3
Poached Eggs level 2-2
If you are to obtain the golden egg on this level you have to destroy the beach ball during play
Golden Egg #4
Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Poached Eggs and the Golden Egg will be yours.
Golden Egg #5
Obtain the 5th Golden Egg by simply clicking on the Credits button from the main menu. Watch it until it ends and simply click again on the egg, as it appears.
Golden Egg #6 Poached Eggs level 1-8
Simply clicking on the barricaded treasure chest will unlock the special Golden Egg level on this stage
Golden Egg #7
This one is quite tricky to obtain, as you will have to achieve 3 stars on all levels of the Might Hoax stages.
Golden Egg #8
On the episode select screen double-tap the sun below the levels (bottom center).
Golden Egg #9
Mighty Hoax level 4-7
In level 4-7, pan all the way out so you can see the hidden yellow bird. Nail it for your 9th golden egg.
Golden Egg #10
Danger Above level 6-14
In level 6-14, to the far right of the screen there is a balloon floating beneath the level of the platform that all the pigs are on.Only by using the new Boomerang Bird is the proper way to get it.Wait for the perfect moment to activate the boomerang after launching it so it swings around and hits the balloon.
Golden Egg #11
Danger Above Level Selection Screen
Once on the Danger Above level selection screen drag the screen to the left until you can’t go any further. You’ll see the Golden Egg hidden on the right past the last group of levels. PC/Mac users, you have to click inside the window and then drag.
Golden Egg #12
Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Danger Above in order to obtain the 12th Golden Egg.
Golden Egg #13
Danger Above level 8-15
The Golden Egg is to be found under the slingshot platform. To get it just bounce a Yellow Bird off the trampoline on the bottom right across from the Golden Egg or use Boomerang Bird.
Golden Egg #14
The Big Setup level 9-14
Again all depends on your skill with the Boomerang Bird. Firstly zoom out and look closely to see the Golden Egg on the bottom right, hidden under a hard hat. Skill and precision have the final word here.
Golden Egg #15
The Big Setup level 10-3
On this level you will have to smash the duck,which is situated underneath the bridge, in order to add your 15th Golden Egg to the collection.
Golden Egg #16
The Big Setup level 11-15
Here the Golden Egg lies to the left below the slingshot. It would be easier if you zoomed the whole level first though. Then again, hit it with the Boomerang Bird for proper obtainment.
Golden Egg #17
Collecting the 17th Golden Egg is a pain indeed, as the player will have to achieve yet again 3 stars on all levels from The Big Setup stage.
Golden Egg #18
Ham ‘Em High level 12-12
Destroy the trophy in the middle of the level that sits between the two piles of jewels. This one is not easy to get!
Golden Egg #19
Ham ‘Em High level 13-10
This one may seem quite impossible to reach, though you should first zoom out. Then launch a white bird and at the right time click for the special ability, launching him up in the air in order to hit the Golden Egg
Golden Egg #20
Ham ‘Em High level 14-4
First zoom all the way out and you’ll see the Golden Egg on the top of the cliff to the far right. Launch a yellow bird at a high trajectory and click him at just the right time to arch him up and over to the Golden Egg.
Read about different Angry Birds Tips and Strategies HERE!
Have Fun Playing Angry Birds for PC!