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The Bird Types in Angry Birds for PC

There are seven types of birds to be catapulted in the Angry Birds for PC game. 
In this guide you will be made known of their characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, which if considered ,,in flight’’ you will be more successful in breaking through those greedy pig’s fortresses.

1. Red bird –It is unlocked at the very beginning. Overall it is a boring, uninteresting, plain projectile bird. It has no special ability when tapped, unless a kamikaze cry of a sort, and won’t do much damage either. It breaks through glass, but when used against stone or wood it won’t stand a chance. However, it is useful for clearing an obstacle or two for the next bird which comes to the slingshot, and in some cases might even bent a wall or a foundation and cause a part of the fortress to fall, crushing any pigs below. 

2. Blue bird (Scatter-shot bird) – Small, gentle and friendly looking. On the other hand – deadly as a shotgun. The Scattershot birds has the ability to dissipate into three small projectiles when the mouse is clicked. This is why you should think of these little guys like a shotgun indeed. You can make the scattershot early to hit a good range of targets, but keep in mind that when facing a wall of wood alone each of them stands a little chance and has much smaller impact, although this way they can hit a good range of targets. Ideally you will want to release them close to the target so all three birds will smash into a small area at once, inflicting much more damage. The Scatter-shot bird is best used against ice or thinner wood. Don’t even bother breaking through stone. 

3. Yellow bird (Kamikaze bird) – The Kamikaze bird rockets at a super speed when the mouse is clicked. Thus combined with their triangular form they are best used against wooden obstacles or walls, when they literally cut through and destroy anything in their path. Those frenzied little attackers show no fear, but are useless against solid material like stone. Surprisingly they have little impact on ice as well. 

4. Black bird (Bomb-bird) – The black bird leaves little standing in it’s wake of destruction. It is the only bird that destroys blocks and walls of stone, and after impact it has a 2 seconds timer, which when detonated explodes and deals massive damage to all which surrounds it. Alternatively you can click the mouse at a right moment and the timer switches to remote control, which means the bird goes off when you want it to, even when still in flight. Remember, these guys are so heavy that they'll destroy even a large chunk of stone in just one hit.

5. White bird – The white bird works very much like a bomber. It is specialized in dropping egg bombs exactly where they are needed and then simply flies away. However, the lower the eggs are the dropped, the more impact and splash damage they will cause. Don't forget: these enemies can still be used as classic red-styled birds if you don't tap. Useful if you just need a boring old projectile.

6. Boomerang bird - Boomerang birds turn around and fly backwards at roughly double the speed when the screen is tapped. Learning their trajectory is just a matter of patience and experience. In the right hands, though, these exotic toucans can be deadly accurate, and very powerful. They are good when smashing through ice and wood only though. You can fire them backwards too, and then quickly tap the screen to make a fast-flying bird. You'll be hard pressed to make efficient hits in this way, but it's a useful trick to keep under your belt.

7. Big Brother (Wreaking ball) – The big brother bird looks very much like the plain and normal red bird, only it is about several times bigger and heavier. It smashes ice and wood with ease, and you shouldn’t bother about concrete or stone either. It has the destructive power of the black bomb bird, only without the explosive finale. Although his giant size can’t help him to squeeze into tight corners, the massive size makes up for it by destroying entire structures even when used on luck. This is why there is little strategy to be taken into account when using the Big Brother: just let him loose and watch materials smash and pigs pop !

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Have Fun Playing Angry Birds for PC!